When you’re looking for a
At the Abacos at Salt Run, you’ll find that you’re able to take your pick of comfortable, waterfront townhouses that will put you close to all that
Want to explore the city’s rich history? Just get out and do so. Want to be sure that you’re finding a unique gift when a friend or family member’s birthday is coming up? Head into the center of town; you won’t have to travel far.
Similarly, when you have a St. Augustine, Florida townhouse at the Abacos at Salt Run, you’ll find that you are able to provide a great space for the guests who you know are going to want to visit - and you’ll be able to feel confident that they will find their way around and enjoy a great day in the city.
There’s no reason to settle for anything less than what you’re looking for either; after all, there are other floorplans available if the one pictured does not appeal to you. Learn more about
Resource: www.seasideviews.com